Weekly Team Matches
Not organized or affiliated with Overlook Golf Course, weekly team matches are a great way to get a match when you have no one to play with and want to play.
Schedule of days played:
Monday - 12 PM
Tuesday – 12 PM
Wednesday – 12 PM
Thursday - 12 PM
Friday – 12 PM
Sunday – 9 AM
Please call a few days earlier to get added to the team match list and plan to arrive at the golf course 30 minutes prior to the first tee time. There are some days that no one shows up but it is rare. Please give us 1 days’ notice on cancellations.
Format of play is normally....4 man teams playing 3 best balls, no handicaps are used. Players will be ranked as A,B,C,& D players based on what they shoot. Teams will then be picked based on the players playing. Front nine, back nine, and totals are then calculated to determine team winners. Cost of golf is the normal golf rates for the day and is each players responsibility to pay in the golf shop. The daily organizer of team matches will collect the required additional $22 which includes the chance for par 3 greenies. 8-12 golfers usually play in team matches.
If you have any additional questions please call the golf shop.